• Inspection of the technical condition of linear and critical structures (high voltage lines, oil and gas pipelines, water sources).
  • Control of the condition of the subsoil and overgrowing vegetation.
  • Control and prevention of illegal activities.
  • Rapid documentation of large-scale damage.
  • Measurement of emission spectra.
  • Providing cover for emergency breakdowns of communication infrastructure in the event of emergencies (floods, fires, storms).
  • Control of the status of the nodal elements of the communication network.
  • Searching for illegal jamming activities.
  • Aerial monitoring of areas of interest or emergencies.
  • Searching, locating and pursuing wanted persons.
  • Documentation of criminal activities.
  • Command and control of police and security operations.
  • Traffic monitoring.
  • Communication support for police units.
  • Search and Rescue (SAR).
  • Preventive fire monitoring.
  • Air control of firefighting operations.
  • Search for persons in distress.
  • Operational restoration of critical communications.
  • Monitoring of large-scale emergencies (floods, storms, avalanches).
  • Exploration and monitoring of areas of interest.
  • Artillery fire guidance and combat capability assessment.
  • Pyrotechnic service support.
  • Electronic warfare support.
  • Drone warfare support.
  • Communication support on the battlefield, confusing and distracting the opponent.
  • Control of the border and coastal zone with overlap beyond.
  • Search and monitoring of criminal activities, including drug trafficking and illegal migration.
  • Remote identification of persons in the border zone.
  • Airborne warning.
  • Support for customs and tax tasks.
  • Searching for and documenting illegal activities (unauthorized construction, environmental pollution, illegal mining).
  • Control of specific measures in protected areas (control of the state of nature and protected wildlife).
  • Control of compliance with regulations on landscape and water protection.
  • Calibration and inspection of airport radio equipment (VOR, ILS, DME, NDB, MB, TACAN) and optical elements (VASI, PAPI).
  • Calibration of radio communication equipment.
  • Emergency monitoring.
  • Inspection surveys of airports and approach routes.